Tuesday 7 April 2015

Interested to Pursue Doctor of Medicine to yield US Residenship?

MD Program

Texila American University brings you an excellent opportunity for the students to pursue Doctor of Medicine courses with US Clinical rotations. It would prevail the students to get trained for the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) so as to get settled in USA.

The Course is designed in such a way that the first two years would be pursued in the heritage-old Concordia College, New York. The premedical will be the groundwork for the medicine platform where the basic medical education will be pursued.

The second phase of the program will be the preclinical part that includes the core theory of the course.  The next two years after the Premedical part is called as the Preclinical phase. It will be pursued in the Texila American University, Guyana.

The last phase of education is the Clinical Phase that include the core and elective Clinical Rotations. The Clinical Rotations will be pursued in the affiliated hospitals in the USA. It would prepare the students to get prepared for the Clinical Trials along with the US Residenship.

USMLE Step 1 preparations include a wide range of major disease processes students will need throughout their career.

Pursue Doctor of Medicine with Texila American University and Experience the difference!

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